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Whether it was watching Bobby Orr fly through the air, David Ortiz pointing to the sky after hitting one of his 541 home runs, Larry Bird fading back for three, or even as simple as going to a ballgame with your father on a warm spring day, some moment in Boston sports history has left a mark on every Bostonian. This ongoing history runs through the blood of everyone in Boston and fuels the longing desire to see the next championship banner raised. Even though Boston has been fortunate enough to have earned 38 championship titles thus far, 12 alone in the last 20 years, number 39 couldn't come soon enough. 

The Beantown Vault's mission is to preserve as many of those moments as possible so each nail-biting or victorious moment can be shared with generations to come. Every ball or puck carries story that yearns to be told. Every jersey holds the blood sweat, tears, and emotions of the player that wore it.   There is no memory to small or item to big for the Beantown Vault. Please enjoy this website as much as putting this collection together wasMay the City of Champions reign forever. GO BOSTON! 

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